Academic Status

Academic Leave of Absence • Return to School (휴.복학)

Students can apply for take a leave of absence when they want to take time off temporarily or apply for returning to school as the approved leave of absence duration expires

Application for Leave of Absence (휴학신청)

Students can apply for 2 semesters (1 year) at a time, and they can apply up to 4 times (4 years) including extension of leave of absence.

  • Leave of absence procedure


※ How to apply: Student Portal System → Registration → Online Application for Leave of Absence·Return to School → Application for Leave of Absence

Application for Returning to School (복학신청)

Students whose leave of absence period has ended should apply for returning to school within the deadline, and if they do not return, they will be dis-enrolled.

How to apply: Student Portal System → Registration → Online Application for Leave of Absence·Return to school →Application for return to school

※ It is recommended to apply for returning to school before opening the Registration Cart, as tuition payment and course

   registration are possible after the registration status has been changed to enrolled after applying for returning to school.

※ Extension of leave of absence: Students can apply for an extension while on a leave of absence, and they can apply

   online before the start of the semester (1st semester: July-August, 2nd semester: January-February). (Students can apply

   for an extension only once while attending school)

※ When returning to school, international students should complete visa issuance and alien registration again.

 Q. Is it possible to return to school early before the end of the leave period?

 A.    Yes. Early return to school is possible before the end of the leave of absence period. Students whose leave of absence period has ended should apply 

          for returning to school within the deadline, and if they do not return, they will be dis-enrolled. 

Dis-enrollment - Withdrawal(자퇴)

If you wish to withdraw from study at BUFS, you must immediately contact BUFS OIA to discuss the next procedure. BUFS OIA is bound to claim the start and termination of your study to the immigration office, where we need the date of your departure from Korea. If you are residing in dormitory in BUFS, you must also make sure to complete the move-out procedure, complying with your Dormitory office’s guidance.

1. If a student has a reason that meets the dis-enrollment requirements, he/she will be dis-enrolled.

- Non-registration dis-enrollment: In case of failure to register within the prescribed period of each semester

- Non-returning dis-enrollment: In case of failure to return to school in the prescribed semester of returned to the school

  • Dis-enrollment procedure


※ If a student want to get tuition refund, he/she should submit a copy of bank account in the name of a parent or a legal guardian and Family Relation Certificate to the Academic Administration Service Team.

- Tuition refund policy Period


 Refund amount

 Within 30 days from the start of the semester

 5/6 of the tuition fee

 31-60 days from the start of the semester

 2/3 of the tuition fee

 61-90 days from the start of the semester

 1/2 of the tuition fee

 91 days after the start of the semester

 No refund

Study Period Change (학기 변동)

If you wish to extend or shorten your study period at BUFS, contact BUFS OIA to discuss it. For any change in the study period, both home university and BUFS must approve it and not all request will be accepted. 

When the extension request is approved, you will be guided to extend your sojourn period at the immigration office.

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