학부 입학 / Undergraduate Admission

  • 학부 과정 Undergraduate Programs
    5개 대학 42개 전공

  • 외국인 전용 과정 Division For Foreigners
    글로벌인재융합전공 Division of International Studies
    : 한국어문화교육 및 국제학부 Korean Track and Global Business Administration

학부 홈페이지 Undergraduateschool website

  • 모집시기 Admission Period 

1학기 1ST Semester 

 2학기 2nd Semester 

8~9월 Aug~Sep 

 3~4월 Mar~Apr

  • 지원 절차 Application Period  
1. 온라인 지원
[ Online Application ]
2. 전형료 납부
[ Application Fee Payment ]

3. 서류 원본 제출

(우편 및 방문제출)
[Original DocumentSubmission]
(By post or visit)

4. 서류 심사
[ Docuemnt Screening ]
5. 면접 전형
[ Zoom Interview ]
6. 합격자 발표
[ NoticeofAcceptance ]
7. 등록금 납부
[ Tuition Payment ]
8. 표준입학허가서 발급
[ Issuance of Certificate of Admission ]
  • 자비외국인 유학생 입학장학금





(Division of International Studies)

Admission Scholarship

 - Applicants from sister institutions or MOU

 - Applicants who have completed at least one session

   at CKLCE of BUFS 

 - Holders of F1, F2, F4, F5 visa 

 30% tuition waiver in the first semester 

 40% tuition waiver in the first semester 

 - Applicants with NO language proficiency certificate


 20% tuition waiver in the first semester

 20% tuition waiver in the first semester 

 - GKS(Undergraduate)

 100% Application fee waiver, Excess waiver when the tuition exceeds 5 million won


 - Holders of TOPIK 3

 - IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 53

 30% tuition waiver in the first semester

 40% tuition waiver in the first semester 

 - Holders of TOPIK 4

 - IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 69

 40% tuition waiver in the first semester

 45% tuition waiver in the first semester 

 - Holders of TOPIK 5

 - IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 86

 - Applicants whose native language or second language is 


 50% tuition waiver in the first semester

 50% tuition waiver in the first semester 

 - Holders of TOPIK 6

 - IELTS 7.0 or TOEFL 98

 60% tuition waiver in the first semester

 60% tuition waiver in the first semester 

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