Credit & Grade

Academic warning

- Students achieving a GPA of less than 1.5 each semester
- For students who received an academic warning, 3 credits of course registration will be excluded in the following semester.
- Operation of courses for students received academic warning: Students who received academic warning can register for up to 19 credits in excess of the maximum 

   of 17 credits when registering the following subjects. 



 Course name




 (Free) Elective



Learning Method I

 2 credits


 Open in the 1st semester

 (Free) Elective



Learning Method Ⅱ

 2 credits


 Open in the 2nd semester

Class evaluation

- Class evaluationa- Grades can be viewed only if you conduct a class evaluation every semester.
- How to evaluate: Access to the Student Portal System → Grades → Enter class evaluation → Select an open course → Enter an answer 

  → Click the Submit button after completing the answers.

※ If you need to file a grade objection, you must contact the professor in charge of the course within the Grade Check and Correction Period. 

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