[학사] 2024-1 Semester Early Graduation Application Guide 2024학년도 1학기 조기졸업 신청 안내
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2024학년도 1학기 조기졸업 신청 안내
1. 신청기간: 2024.05.22. ~ 05.28.
2. 신청방법: 학생포털 https://m.bufs.ac.kr/default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f -> 로그인 -> 졸업 -> 조기졸업 신청/조회
3. 신청자격
- 6학기 또는 7학기 등록한 재학생 (※ 편입생은 신청 불가)
- 조기졸업 신청일 기준 아래의 성적 및 졸업기준에 부합하는 자
▶2007학번 이후 평점평균 (GPA) 4.3이상
4. 졸업기준
- 130학점이상 이수
- 각 영역별 (교양, 전공 등) 이수학점 취득
- 졸업 전공시험 합격
- 기타 졸업인증 등 학번별 졸업요건 충족
5. 기타사항
- 편입학자는 조기졸업 운영규정 제 6조에 의거 조기졸업 불가
- 조기졸업 탈락자는 잔여학기의 등록금 납부, 수강신청 및 학점이수 필수
2024 First Semester Early Graduation Application Guide
1. Application Period:
- May 22, 2024 – May 28, 2024
2. Application Method:
- Access the student portal at BUFS Student Portal -> Log in -> 졸업 -> 조기졸업 신청/조회
3. Eligibility:
- Current students who have completed 6 or 7 semesters (※ Transfer students are not eligible)
- Students who meet the following GPA and graduation criteria as of the early graduation application date:
- For students enrolled from 2007~. : a GPA of 4.3 or higher
4. Graduation Requirements:
- Completion of at least 130 credits
- Completion of required credits in each category (e.g., general education, major)
- Passing the major graduation exam
- Fulfillment of all other graduation requirements specific to each cohort
5. Additional Information:
- Transfer students are not eligible for early graduation as per Article 6 of the Early Graduation Regulations.
- Students who do not qualify for early graduation must pay tuition, register for courses, and complete the required credits for the remaining semesters.
부산외국어대학교2024. 5. 21조회수3,235